
How to Donate to Back in the Woods Again

All the gear, adaptive equipment, meals and hotel accommodations are provided free of charge to hunters through the generous contributions of neighbors and local businesses. For this mission to be a continued success, we appreciate donations of any amount.


For any donations of $250 or more, we invite you to share your company name and logo which will be included on the Sponsors' Banner during the event and also featured on our website.

Checks can be made payable to: 

Back in the Woods Again
1519 Winfred Brady Road
Bennett, NC  27208

Support Back in the Woods Again through memorial or tribute gifts

Thank you to the families that have supported Back in the Woods Again through memorial or tribute gifts. 

A donation to Back in the Woods Again is a heartfelt way to celebrate a milestone or to memorialize those who have touched your life. When you give in honor or memory of someone special, you help make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Special instructions:

  1. Please make checks out to Back in the Woods Again
  2. Include "Memorial" or "Tribute" and the name of the honoree in the memo line of the check.
  3. If known, please give our organization direction as to whom should be notified of the gift, such as the honoree's next-of-kin.

Suggested language for obituary notices:

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in _______’s honor to:

Back in the Woods Again, 1519 Winfred Brady Road, Bennett, NC 27208

A special Thank You to the volunteers, community members, local churches and businesses that make this event possible!

Through the generous contributions of community members and businesses, the Back in the Woods Again Organization has accomplished many things.  Here are examples of how contributions were used:

  • Provided food and gear for hunters
  • Meals provided by local churches
  • Provided 2 nights lodging for hunters from North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, Arizona and Illinois.
  • Provided door prizes and giveaways
  • Provided adaptive equipment for hunters with no hand or arm movement.  This adaptive equipment can be operated completely with the mouth and chin. (14 devices have been purchased over the past 9 years)
  • Purchased 6 NiteSite Wolf infrared camera scopes to aide our guides in assisting blind hunters
  • Prepared 3 hunting sites & built 3 shooting houses that are available to the physically challenged hunters at any time
  • Presented an all-expense paid Iowa deer hunt to one of our hunters in a wheelchair that raised over $6,000 in donations and sponsorships
  • Presented a rifle and scope to two of our youth hunters
  • Presented $15,000 in scholarship funds
  • Purchased and modified a used vehicle for one of our hunters
  • Modified vehicles for 3 of our hunters
  • Volunteers built a 24x24 ft. addition to a single wide mobile home for one of our quadriplegic hunters.  The room has a large bathroom with a roll in shower and a built-in lift that will carry him from his wheelchair to bed and other places in the room.  The volunteers also built an 8x12 ft. deck.
  • Donated $10,000 to support a fundraiser to help cover the cost of physical therapy services for a community member
  • Donated $2,000 to 2 community members that underwent an amputation
  • Donated $16,500 to 5 community members that were diagnosed with serious illnesses
  • Donated $500 to a family whose son was seriously injured in an accident
  • Donated a total of $13,000 to 3 families that lost their homes to fire
  • Donated $2,000 to help purchase a power wheelchair for one of our hunters
  • Purchased clothes & boots for one of our hunters in need
  • Purchased a wheelchair for basketball for one of our youth hunters
  • Purchased a track wheelchair with joy stick control
  • Purchased a utility trailer for one of our hunters to transport wheelchair
  • Purchased tables for Tyson’s Creek Baptist Church, Family Life Center
  • Donated $1,500 to Adaptive Sports & Adventure Program to support the ski team to participate in the 14th Annual Disabled Water Ski World Championship in Norway
  • Donated $1,000 to Chatham County Shooting Sports 4-H Club

The Back in the Woods Again Organization wants to extend a special thank you to YOU for helping us make this a successful event.  We hope, with your help, to do even greater things at future events.

Tommy Estridge

Back in the Woods Again